As the leading provider of title searches in the state of New York, we can handle all of your property research needs under one roof regardless of where your property is located. New York Title Report is uniquely qualified to cover every county in the state, and we guarantee the accuracy of our reports. This is possible thanks to decades of time and resources invested in developing key partnerships, relationships, and core integrations across the state. The logistics of statewide title research require the use of certified abstractors to visit county register of deeds offices to pull deeds and documents of all types to satisfy the requests of our clients. Title Search of New York is dedicated to providing 100% coverage for the state, and we stand by our work.
We're also proud to have the fastest delivery times in the state. By identifying those areas of the product life cycle that take the most time to complete, we allocated human and computing resources to ensure that the quality and timing of our reports were the best in the business. Our full-time title examiners are highly experienced and knowledgeable, and can quickly navigate online resources to search property data based on several criteria. Additionally, we invested heavily in technology to dramatically improve our responsiveness, starting with proprietary software used to manage our database of orders, vendors, and clients. Through automation, property data entered by the client triggers a more comprehensive search through an online real estate database. Little time is wasted before we have feet on the ground, scouring various repositories for relevant documents and other data that may be useful for your property research.
New York Title Report can build a custom search that suits your needs, as we have done for numerous clients in various industries. No matter what your requirements are, our customer service representatives are standing by to discuss a product for you. Feel free to peruse this site for the product that's right for you. Among some of the services we provide:
• Title Chains; back 20-60 years + 1940 or 1932
• Current Owner and Two / Multiple Owner Searches
• Vesting Research
• Environmental Lien Search
• Tax Statuses and Tax Liens
• Mortgagor / Mortgagee on Open Mortgages or Deeds of Trust
• Any Recorded Property Documents / Encumbrances • Recorded Instrument Copies
With more than 30 years of experience, our staff members are well-educated in all areas of property title research, and we look forward to helping fulfill your title report needs today. Reach us now at 1-518-638-4291.